Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Greetings to all. In John 3;16 it says. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. In verse 18 it says. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already. In Matthew 24;4-5 Jesus says take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many. If you look on social media you will notice many people are claiming to know scripture. Also claiming they were called by God. This is what Jesus means by many shall come in his name and deceive many. I tell you all today. When Jesus returns He is coming for his chosen ones. It Doesn't matter the color of the skin. The Shepherd knows his sheep and vice versa. In John 10;30 It says, I and my father are one. Please don't get this twisted family because Jesus and the father are one in spirit, and Jesus came through the father to fulfill what is written and since we all were created in Gods image Jesus can totally say when you look at him, you're looking at the father. Also in Luke 18;19 The Ruler called Jesus Good Master And Jesus replied. Why callest thou me good? None is good, except God. This should give further proof that Jesus is not God. In James 1;13 It says. Let no man say when he is tempted. I am tempted of God. For God cannot be tempted with evil. Now lets see if its Jesus being tempted, Or God? Let's look at Matthew 4;1-10 You will see its Jesus whos being tempted and not God. Again, the world wants you all to believe Jesus Christ is God. And that will be a very Big mistake. Even on the cross Jesus says in Matthew 27;46 My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me? But here is what keeps the wheels turning in my head. Matthew 24;37-38 So in days of Noe before the great flood. I can't get over only 8 people entered the Ark, plus the animals. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks what Jesus was saying. It will not be that many who will make into the kingdom on that day. And from what I can see Jesus Christ is spot on. I give the Lord the Praise and Thank him for choosing me for this mission through his Mercy and Grace. I tell everyone that in this position you must prove your worth. Your faith will be tested constantly. Everybody's path to salvation will be unique. Just don't give up because faith without works is dead.....
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return
As I sit here and write this Letter. I want all the unbelievers to just listen to me for a minute. Can you remember a time when you were so tired that you barley made it to the bed? Then when you finally awoke you felt well rested. But Here's something else. Those of you who own a firearm. I want you to grab it and stand in front of a mirror and just feel the power it gives you. Now, lets take a look at the world with all the talk of countries buying weapons to protect themselves. But I want all you to know that everything happening today is by design. Miss V who resides in Hell said something to me that literally sticks with me. And After reading and listening to people on social media and just asking for answers in prayer. I came came to this conclusion. I thought that the man and the Serpent had the worst punishment from God in the beginning. Sorry to be the barer of bad news But the woman's punishment is waay greater. Let me so explain. Many will say the woman having kids is the worst part. Not quite. God said since the woman was so fast and fell for the Devils charm. Your husband shall rule over you. Not only that. Miss V said. When the woman gives up their virginity before marriage. Technically you are married to that man who took your virginity, And especially if that woman gives him a child. In Proverbs 31, 10-12 It says. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. I have seen some single women who started a successful career and actually waited to have kids. But here's the kicker. They went on to have kids with already married men. (I cant make this up) All these single men out here who's never been married. But yet theses women choose to destroy someone else's home. We all need Jesus Christ more than we know in these wicked times. Remember family There is no rest in Hell. When you die. You want to rest and know nothing. The fact is. Many are wide awake. If you who's reading this can see what I see. I promise you will shake like a leaf in the wind. Its true ladies. These elites know what's coming because there soul is already condemned. God hated that the woman was tricked by the devil. For this reason it will be very difficult for her to enter into the kingdom. I tell all the women to pray, pray ,pray. Miss V and Connie both speak on the same things that they seen in hell. And a warning to all not to come there. I tell you all the truth. But you don't believe me. John 8;45
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and greetings to all. I been listening to this gentleman on social media for a few years now, Who I would say, speaks with intelligence and is very motivational. And when he speaks on issues of the world. You can't help but to be drawn into the conversation. But there is one issue that I see with this Gentleman. And that is. He doesn't believe in Jesus Christ, Or The father. I noticed when religion is brought up He's very reluctant to speak on it. I say, If a person is truly trying to help the people. You would honor our Lord and Savior because he is first. I profess to the world without shame. My heart belongs to the Father in heaven who created me. Many of these speakers on social media Words are as smooth as butter. Still there is no balance. Lets go deeper. I won't call any names. But there is this One Pastor who's sermons I would watch every time the church made a new video. This Man would speak on issues no other Pastor would touch. I was drawn in. Hook, Line, and Sinker. Everything was fine, Up until, He started speaking side ways, By saying. Jesus is God. I'm like were did that come from? As we can see. There is no Balance. Let's continue. Our Country is that person who stands between two other Countries getting ready to fight. No punches thrown, Just arguing. Our country will pick up some sand, and say. The best man hit the sand out my hand. There is no balance. Moses received the 10 commandments. We should know them, And follow them. I say this. On judgement day. When you stand before the father to be judged. He's not going to quiz you by asking. Do you know what tribe you're from, Do you know what color I am, Do you know the name of Cains wife. There is no Balance. Jesus Christ died for our sins. The Sheep knows the Shepard. The bible says. Nobody knows the day or the hour. Not even the Angels in heaven. So, this only means one thing. While many are waiting for a sign, they will be greatly disappointed. I tell you all today. Be ready. I cant stress this enough because even though what I'm saying my sound surreal. When God comes back he will break all the rules of Law. All saved will be under his new Law. By saying God will come back as a thief in the night is an understatement. God owes us nothing. He's furious at this wicked world. As I'm grounded writing this letter. I pray to God to have mercy on us Because of OUR Sins. There is no Balance.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and greetings to all. May God bless all the readers. As, I was sleeping last night, A voice said to me. They are totally wrong. The voice went on to say that the Word in the beginning was the Spirit. It's also true that my Father God is the Spirit. As Jesus being the Light who was already with the Father though creation and the Sons where made of spirit and not flesh after the fact. False prophets are saying the light came first. which is Jesus Christ. That is inaccurate. The light shined as John prepared to way. I tell you all today its a mystery never to be fully understood. I do agree with what was being told to me because we the people was not there. I remember in Matthew 4;1 It says, Jesus was Led up by the SPIRIT to be Tempted. Yes, I do understand what was being revealed to me, But many of you, may not. I Also, Remember in James 1;13 It says, God cannot be tempted by Evil. Now in 1 Corinthians 14;33 It says. God is not the author of confusion. For this reason the bible gave us John 3;16-19 So, If you have The Holy Spirit, God, And Jesus Christ. When you combine them they make one. But since its a mystery to us. Let us not be deceived by the world. If the answer is a mystery to us. Then where is the false prophets getting there answers from? john says, the light created the world. And he's correct. But here's the flip side. I'm trying not to go to deep because I don't want to loose anyone. If someone asked you who created the world? Would you be wrong If you said, Jesus? Or Would you be wrong If you said God? (Let that Marinate for a minute) I will again stress the importance of being ready for his return. A man put an alarm system on his house. And when the thieves came and broke the window, The alarm went off and the thieves scattered and got away with nothing. The key is. He was prepared. Wake up people the time is now. Have your House in order. Again. I don't claim to be perfect by any means. In John 8;7 Jesus says. He that is without sin among
you, let him cast the first stone against her. Many of you have read that passage many of times and probably never understood the true meaning of Jesus words. Example; Lets say a officer of the law Arrest a man for paying for sex. Yet. That same officer who arrested the John. Also pays for sex. Should the officer have casted the first stone?? Wake up People...
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Greetings to all. I still can remember when I heard a voice constantly in my head telling me to get the book of Enoch, While also telling me that Cain was white. I didn't know who it was until I bought the book. So upon reading the book. I read up on Abel. I thought for sure that Abel would be resting and knowing nothing. But the book tells us that Abel was making his suit against his brother, Cain, And he is not at rest. I could hear In his voice that he was very Frustrated, Angry, And felt betrayed. How, I knew it was Abel speaking to me was because once I started to read the book. His voice stopped. The book of Enoch is the missing piece's to the scripture. When you read it. You can tell some things may have been omitted or changed. Only the Elect can see it. A lot of secrets was revealed to Enoch. And a lot of unanswered questions was made known. For Example; In 46;1-3
It speaks on a Man who was with God. So this Debunks the myth that God was Alone. Jesus is with him at all times. Even when he was in the flesh. The unrighteous decided
to remove this book in order to keep a person. Ignorant and Confused. As I said before that the dead can speak to the chosen. If you read the book You will believe what I say to be true. The hour glass is running out people. When John came. The people asked. Was he Jesus, Elias, or, even a Prophet. John said No. I am the voice of one crying in the
wilderness. I can still see that many is not going to make it in. The blind is leading the
blind. And many is content with it. Not realizing that the wolf in sheep's clothing is going to lead them straight to the pit. Enoch put in work as he was called to do. I am putting in
work, As I am called to do. Faith without works is dead. I will continue to repeat this Because just going to church, Or just faintly believing may not be enough to get you in. I hope that if any of you are called to just be ready for a roller coaster ride for salvation because many of days are going to be Up, and down. So. Stay prayed up family.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Love to all the Believer's, And Unbeliever's.
Even though I wrote about this years ago. The Prophesy is now just being revealed to me. A voice said. Call your old job, to see, Who we will call, Alex. If he still works there. Let me give all of you some History on Alex. I met Alex at the Job where I worked for almost 7 years driving trucks. He came to the company as a Temp, him and 2 other guys. They had them stocking and organizing the shelves. And keeping the floors clean. (See Pic). One day as I was leaving to go home. I was walking down the isle, just like in the Pic, heading towards the Exit. I met Alex as he was sweeping the floor. We both introduced ourselves. He was a very soft spoken person. At that time. I didn't realize he
was a witness. The next day. I met him sweeping Again. I said, How are you doing today Sir. He replied. Why do you call me Sir? I said because you are going to be a Manager of this place. He just laughed, And said. You are crazy. Well, Here it is. Over 15 years later. I called to see if he still works there. The Receptionist said yes, Alex is still the Manager. Till this day. We still call each other Sir. I can also remember one day Alex tested me when he became manager. He had a special run that was going to the west coast. (Jokingly) He said. Jeff I need you to make this delivery, And be back to the warehouse by 10am. On average that particular run you would normally get you back between 12-1pm. I knew he was joking. I then said to him. Is this what you really want. I only can do this once. Still Jokingly he said, yes. I told him, Wish is granted. The next morning I came in. The truck was already loaded ready to go. That whole trip was weird to me because the traffic flowed so smoothly even through construction zones, and morning rush hour. The truck was fully loaded with casing and jambs. Even when I got to the delivery, They unloaded the truck in record time. Normally I would sit for awhile at that place. Heading back to the warehouse, Same thing. Virtually no traffic. Mind you. There were miles of construction zones. Still. No back-ups. Not looking at the clock when I returned to the warehouse. I walked up front and seen Alex. I asked him the time. And he replied 10am.
I looked at my watch to confirm. Yes, It was 10am. Other drivers in the company tried to match my time. Even there best driver could not match my time. Why, Because I was allowed to defy time. Even I tried it again. And couldn't do it. I'm happy for Alex. He came from Haiti with almost nothing. As Jesus healed the sick. He would say, go tell the world of my great works. These people were called witnesses. Alex can also Prophesy of what I revealed to him. Though Alex was not the only one I reveled secrets to. There was another. I will speak on them in part 2. May God Almighty, Bless the readers of this
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and greetings to all. Even though I wrote about this awhile back. The true meaning of the experience has finally reveled itself to me. Back when I was incarcerated many years ago. I was being detained in Miami. I was in a Pod with about
Sixty people at the time. Give, Or take a few. They had these brothers who would have Church and Bible study on certain days. There was this certain church brother we'll just call him Angel. He was a friendly, And easy going type of guy. Now there was this other
brother, We'll just call him Mike, Who didn't like Angel for, Reasons Unknown. So one day we were all playing basketball. And the church brothers formed a team and they played against, Mike and his team. The game started and Mike would post up on Angel. Angel was a skinny simi tall brother. While, Mike was short, and Husky. Every time they
would pass Angel the ball. Mike would push him to the ground, Or into the wall, to steal it. I remember asking Angel. Are you going to let that go? He looked at me with his lip busted, And said. I FORGIVE HIM. Angel took the abuse the whole game. Still saying, I FORGIVE HIM. They lost the game. And we all went back inside the Pod. I then showered and went to the day room to watch some TV. Next thing I know, I see Angel walk pass the front of me going to bible study. I will never forget He had on a green jumper with the bible in his hand, looking straight ahead. As I looked at him. His face started to glow. I had to wipe my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Something then said to me. That's the spirit with him. So, the next morning I was awaken by hearing someone screaming and crying. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door to see what was going on. I looked through the small glass and didn't see anyone. Finally, Someone came and said. Mike's Mother, Dropped dead last night. He went on to say. Mike's mother was young. And she just dropped dead. They, also said that Mike and his mother was very, very close. Corrections didn't even let him attend his mother funeral. Mike was defiantly broke after that. He wasn't the same. It was almost like to me. It took part of his man-hood. Angel came to Mike and gave him his Condolences. Angel couldn't even look me in the face squarely after that. He knew I was a witness. I tell you all who's reading this today, Let the lord fight your battles. All you have to do is, have faith. This took place in front of many people who was in the pod. They can testify to what I say, to be true. We can say. Mike's Mother. Dropped dead. Hours. After he played
basketball against Angel. My condolences to Mike's Mother. May she rest in peace.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Greetings to all. Sitting here and shaking my head, And saying to myself. I just wrote about this. Please read below. Still mind blowing to me. So, Let me prove what I write to be true. When the Lady Judge who was attacked in Las Vegas by a defendant. I immediately looked on social media to read all the comment's pertaining to this incident. I wasn't too surprised to read about how the majority of Black's truly felt.
As, I was reading. Someone commented that the defendant actually wanted to kill the Judge If he gotten the chance. Luckily the staff was there to pull him off of her. I remember the Kid from Hell. I asked him. Is it true that the women are being attacked in Hell. He replied. Yes, They are just defenseless against those monsters in there. Now Let's say that the judge dies and goes to Hell and meet up with that same defendant. Who do you think will be there to save her? Jesus came to save the world. Meaning the world should believe in what he says. I asked. Why? Was I born in America. It was revealed to me that the healthy do not need a Doctor. But the sick. You can all see the scriptures is being fulfilled right before your very eye's. I have told you all many things. If I wasn't directed to write this. My spirit would be void in the kingdom. How he can use a Man who's faith in him is strong. But yet, I still fall short of the glory sometimes. I would advise you all to read those comments for yourselves. Then you will truly know what I say to be true. I do not condone violence against anyone. But I have to call. A spade. A spade. Some may ask. Why do I always speak on Death and Hell. I never seen the Kingdom. Many who passed on, Also, haven't seen the Kingdom. All I can speak on is what's been revealed to me. White Bob told me some things that would come to pass and I didn't elaborate on it Because I wanted to be sure that what I wrote, was the truth. Everyday I'm being lied on by this Evil system. This again is the sacrifices we must make for salvation. For anybody who's reading this and think that the road will be easy. Think again. I thank the Almighty God for having Mercy on my Soul. And may he Bless all of the true believers in him.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Greetings to all. May God Bless the Readers and all who believe in the truth. I can remember some years ago when I was Living in Coral Springs in a two bedroom apartment And one night as I slept. I felt something jump on the foot of my queen sized bed. First off. I'm a very, very, light sleeper. And soon as I felt it. I tried to open my eye's. But couldn't. I also couldn't move my body as if it was totally paralyzed. While struggling to open my eyes What ever it was started walking toward the head of the bed straddling me. You could feel the mattress press down with each step as it walked. I could feel it standing over me for awhile. Then it jumped off the bed. Then it spoke to something. And said. HE'S NOT READY YET. And once it said that. About a minute later, I was able to open my eyes. And I was shaking uncontrollably. Some say it was death, Some say it was a Demon, And some say it was Angles. I do recall going to the Emergency room because I was having chest pains And I can't remember if it was before, Or after this bed incident. While in the Emergency room. A nurse came in to check my pulse and heart rate. While he checked. I noticed him constantly moving the stethoscope all over my chest and looking puzzled. He told me he will be right back and left the room then brought in another nurse so she could check me. Finally they found a faint heart beat. She then told the male nurse that when a persons heart is healthy there will sometimes be low pressure. But the look on that males nurse face tells me that, I didn't have a heartbeat at all, Because he was even trying to find a pulse on my wrist. To no avail And my question is? If my heart was so healthy. Why did they run a battery of tests on me. I do appreciate the Hospital for taking extra steps to make sure that I was O.K. But the final bill from the Hospital was ridiculous. I do believe it was Angels who came for me Because, Jesus says his true believers will never taste death. Some may say that Angles are spirits and can't walk. Well when the Angels came to Sodom. Were they floating. Or walking? My God knew I had work to finish here on this wicked earth. As they wrote the books, notes, and Letters from the past. I thank God for choosing me for this mission. I believe I would be in Hell right now if God Almighty didn't have mercy on me. I Thank him from the bottom and top of my failing heart.
Again. May God have mercy on all the Believers. And Unbeliever's.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Greetings to the Readers. As I sit here writing this letter. For some reason my mind is fixed on Abel. Abel was Cain's brother in the bible, I remember him telling me to get the book of Enoch. I will never forget the way his voice sounded as if he was frustrated and Impatient. Again. Abel said, He cant wait for Cain's seed to be destroyed from the face of the earth. So, Who was Cain's seed? Answer, My white brothers and sisters. For this reason and a few more the book of Enoch was removed from the bible. Apparently Abel knows something and He's defiantly not resting in the Bosom. Ironically what Abel and white Bob says In my opinion Coincide with each other, For Instance. White Bob says, There is a special place in Hell for the ABC Community. I then asked myself. How much worse can it be if you're already being tormented in Hell? Well, When you read Enoch, It tells us of Hollows where the dead resides. And there are different parts where the dead may be separated from one another. I remember watching a video. And a guy was interviewing our soldiers in the Army. He asked one young Lady. Why did she join the military. And she replied. (For the money. And to find a WIFE) Some of you reading this probably seen that video. I cant make this stuff up. This is who America has become. Revelation says. The inhabitants have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. For this reason. Americans have become so Lax in my Opinion that standing for what's right is now a crime to them. We all know America is the Great Whore who the bible speaks of. One time she tried to hide it. But now she doesn't care Who know. As I told you all, her nakedness would soon be reviled to the whole world. All the Countries who she slept with her Are finding out that she's nothing but a lying murderous whore. As the spirit told me years ago. It said. As the End nears I would know because. As they Lie and hate me daily. All will become stronger, As Milk has an expiration date. I Also think about Jesus who knew he would be tried and convicted by the world. Those Soldiers who did all those bad things to Jesus leading him up to the Cross didn't believe that he was the true Messiah. I can say, If the Soldiers had known he was the real deal. I can Guarantee not one soldier would have laid a finger on him. But since it was written. And it had to take place, And Jesus being So
Merciful. He said these words. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. I write this in the Memory of him who gave his life to save Ours. Thus thanking Him over and over for forgiving me for my Sins. Just Ask and you shall receive,,,