. Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
As I sit here and write this Letter. My mind sometimes is boggled by how this world is changing for the worst right before our very eyes. In Luke 17. It speaks on the coming of the Son of man. He must suffer many things and be rejected of this generation. It goes on to say. As it was in the days of No. So shall it be in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drink, they married wives, they were given in marriage. Also, in the days of Lot. They did the same wicked things in the eyes of our Lord and Savior, up until he destroyed them with fire and brimstone. Thus, from the vision that was revealed to me. Men was marrying men and also performing hideous and disgusting acts. For this is one of the main reasons God destroyed the world from the beginning with water. Same goes for Sodom when some of the men were looking to perform evil acts with the Angels of the Lord. My brother and Sisters. Let those who has an ear. Hear. God despises men sleeping with men. And women sleeping with women. Don’t think for one minute that your sins are hid from God. He sees all. In Luke 17 it says. Whosever shall seek to save his life shall lose it. Many of these so-called men and women of the cloth. Are too Scared to preach on this touchy subject. But I tell you all today. For them trying to not offend in order to save face. moreover, their soul is already condemned, because if they truly loved their brother, they would make that sacrifice and warn them that God does not approve of men sleeping with men. Also, in Luke 17 It says, two men shall be in one bed, it also says two women will be grinding together. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand where Jesus was going with this. As white Bob warned from Hell that they are coming for your Kids. You can still me crazy all you want! but when you see a man gets a sex change and is allowed to join an all-girls swim team and he beats all the girls at the meet. Is that ethical? At least the Governor had the courage to see something was very, very wrong with that picture. This is what I believe white Bob was speaking on for his people to stand up and save the souls of the children. I am only the messenger. I have not the power to pass judgement. Against no man. He who repents and believes in Christ shall not taste death. The blood shall wash all your sins away. My God Almighty bless the readers…..
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
I can remember some years ago when I was driving a semi truck heading south- bound on the interstate and abruptly the traffic came to a complete stop. So a fellow trucker got on his cb radio and asked. Do anybody know what's the hold- up? I replied. Its called. TRAFFIC CONTROL. So next, I looked at google maps and it did show an accident was ahead. Shortly after, a trucker in the north bound lane came on the cb, And said. I don't see why you guys in the south bound lanes is not moving because I did not see any accident. Sure enough when the south bound lane started moving we didn't see anything. No fire trucks, No police, No nothing. Family, I prophesied this years ago about how they will start to control drivers. White Bob said that the telephone will be part of the mark. Remember this. We will know the number and the name. The phone has a area code. Mine could be 305. The beast could be 666. The caller ID will show what?????? I can also recall driving my semi truck on the interstate at night heading east bound. I then noticed how they/them slowed the traffic that was behind me for about an half mile. I then drove up on a high hill and looked in my left mirror, and as far as I could see was head lights about an half mile behind me. They literally had shut down all traffic behind me. I cant make this up. But many who is reading this Knows I am speaking the truth. Your phone speaks to you like a second person in your ear. I then remembered writing about standing at the judgment and being able to look to my left and far as I could see was people waiting to be judged. I asked. Why? Did you allow me to look to my left. And the voice said. These are some of the people who came against you, And didn't believe you. I then noticed that when the people started falling and when it finally stopped. Only a few people was actually left standing. I also noticed that when they/them started letting traffic flow that only a few cars would catch up to my truck. You would think that a mass of traffic would be at my bumper. But they regulated the flow. I tell you today. You all who follow they/them I pray that you all repent because the vision is showing me that not many people will make it in on that day. Trump said. Its not about him. Its about you. And I co sign that. They will soon come for your guns next because they know the people will soon eventually turn on them. The bible says that the inhabitants will hate the whore. The main ones this country needs to worry about is, them who makes like everything is fine. They will smile with you and say its going to be OK. Don't be fooled. They are wolves in sheep's cloths. They said Mr. Jones was a very nice and humble man. But on that day you will see him turn into the terminator and will kill, at will. They know this day is coming. This is why they will need to know who is ride or die. And speaking on the Terminator. The movie is part real. They will soon program robots to track you down and kill many. This is why I'm being used to fulfill what's to come. Wake up people I keep saying time is running out. I speak for all races because God Almighty is worthy to be praised. Part 2 coming.
. Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
They ask. Is it a sin to speak to the dead? Technically its not a sin. It only becomes a sin when you CALL upon the dead. The dead come to me to warn the world not to come to Hell. For example. Many may think they are communicating with the dead only to find out its demons they are communicating with. For the ones who Die and are chosen by God are resting in the Bosom. KNOWS NOTHING. But the others who die and go to Hell. Are able to feel pain an are fully aware of what's going on. There is this person on social media trying to say that when you die you are going to be with God He even tries to back it up with scripture. So Basically, He is trying to say what I'm telling you is a Lie. I am always prepared for an Debate. Ladies and Gentlemen. If any so decides to debate me on this topic I will cast that demon out of them on site. I will prove to the world that what I prophecy is the truth. If the dead in hell is trying to warn the world not to come there. Why is it a sin? The truth is. The world doesn't want you all to know the truth. And you all really think that you are going to murder the innocent, commit adultery, Lie, and Steal then die and be able to rest in peace with God....... Lol, Lol. You are sadly mistaken. If we all died and our spirit went back to God. Hell would be empty. Do you think? Ms. V said when she died everything went blank. Then awoke in Hell. I tell you all today who is reading this. Many will try to discourage you and get you confused to turn you away from the truth. I will stand in the gap until the end for you all who believe in Our Lord and Savior who is soon to come.
. Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
As I look upon this child sleeping and having no cares in the world. But I do wonder if they have dreams at that age. Again, I just want to say. I'm only the messenger whos been sent by grace and empowered by the All Mighty God to warn the the world of
his return. Just as Putin from Russia who spoke on America turning from God and also endangering the future of the children. JUST AS WHITE BOB SPOKE ON. America also went
far as to threaten Africa with Sanctions if they didn't accept the ABC community. Africa said they will not accept that and destroy the future of the Kids. JUST AS WHITE BOB SPOKE ON. Everything so far this man from hell has told me. Has come to light. Remember I wrote what Bob said would happen before Russia or Africa made any type
of speeches. Some of you may say Bob is a demon who spoke to me. .Well I got news
for many of you unbelievers. A real demon who I spoke with. Did not want me to warn the people of what's coming. Tried to get me to commit suicide, Tried to get me to stop believing in the most High. Tried to get me to hate the other race. Trying to turn the world against me. Even tried to kill me. White Bob said out the gate that he was a racist and did some things he is not proud of. White Bob is warning his brothers and sisters that the time is now. He told me that they will know what he means. I Remember telling you all that Bob said some things that will have many of you shaking in your boots. He said if a world war or similar was to happen. They are not going to save any survivors No matter the color. If you are not affiliated. Or, with them at that tragic moment. You will be killed. This will be called the great reset. He also said. His people could move far away from a certain race when they didn't want to live around them. But in Hell. Them Nig$ are around you 24/7. If you all read about Connie. She also speaks on this. Remember all whos reading this. I say again. If you are not Chosen or Sinless You will not rest in the
Bosom when you Die. Again to my white family. White Bob says that the deck is stacked against you. You must be willing to give up the love for the world And be willing to Die for God. The other races must do the same. But Africans from the beginning has put Satan first before God. God got tired of them. And said. You all will have to come back to me If you want to be saved. I tell you all. I am compelled to write this. Acually grounded.
I cant do nothing unless I write this. Brothers and Sisters now is the time to start shaking
a little because whatever's coming. Is going to be. Crazy. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY UPON US ALL..
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Greetings to all. In Revelation 13;16-17 it says: And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the Mark. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark. Many believed that the covid vaccine was the Mark. And this is very far from the truth. I tell you all today that before you accept the Mark, You will know what you are accepting because you will have a choice. Mainly, life or death. Even Daniel was thrown in the lions den for not agreeing with King Darius Decree. I'm not saying the decree was a mark, But this mark coming will be similar to it. For example you may be commanded to Bow to a statue, Pray to a animal, Agree same sex marriage is ok, Stop reading the bible, Even rejecting religion all together. The only problem I foresee is. Many will be fooled into thinking all these things are guaranteed to come to pass. Listen to Jesus in Matthew 24;35-36 Heaven and earth shall pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man. Not even the Angels. But my father only. So basically God can return whenever he's good and ready. He don't owe anybody anything. Tell me who can persecute him for returning early? Who can say. God you didn't wait for all the prophecy to be fulfilled? In Thessalonians 5;2 He will return like a thief in the night. I feel his presence today family and it is very strong, The time is very short. In Matthew 24;6 Jesus says. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. All these things must come to pass but the end is not YET. I tell you all today that Jesus knew that we would some day have weapons of mass destruction. Let me so explain. Notice he said wars, and roumours of wars. Why then would he say. But the end is not yet? Jesus could have said, There will be Hurricanes and rumours of major tornadoes. But the end is not yet. Thus he said WAR. We have missiles pointed at each others countries right now as I write this.. All God has to do is send an Angel to push a button and a nuke could be fired and hit a country. That could possibly start WW3 AKA, THE END. Matthew 16;4 Jesus says. A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign given unto it. Matthew 24;14 says. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness. Then the end shall come. May God bless all the readers and I pray that you chose wisely..
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return
Me. By being compelled to write this and humbled by the almighty God I so come in peace. As the son of man came and died for us. Also, many of them will not be willing to make that same sacrifice. In Revelation 6 9-11 The saints asked. When will our blood be avenged. Surely many of them had their heads chopped off Just as John the Baptist and others. The Lord replied to them saying they must rest yet a little season until many of their brothermen face the same fate. Everyone who's reading this knows that a single bullet can kill a man. My question is? So, why would our country need to purchase guillotines? One of our pass Presidents wanted the use of them. But just Remember brothers and sisters They say that time repeats itself So with that being said who so ever refuses to bow to this world will surely face death because it would be more convenient than housing them in prisons. The days are getting shorter as the hourglass shows the sand is running out. The only difference between the two Evils is. Trump truly wants to save the world. Biden on the other hand is aiming to have the world destroyed. So, If I had to choose between them. I choose either. Trump is in Love with the world. White Bob already said that they would be. And that is a major Sin. Biden has a lost soul. Only the Elect can look into his eyes and see his wondering soul. If you look close enough. Sometimes you may see his eyes go black. If you don't believe me. Take a Look at some of his old pictures and videos. I want all who's reading this to seriously think for a minute. We have over 48 states in America. Out of all the intelligent and more qualified people in the world who could be president. So, why are we continuing to go backwards? The answer is. The scriptures must be fulfilled. As I said before I was glad
to see Trump become President. Many of you don't truly understand the bible. One of Trumps missions is to help bring in the end times. He predicted high fuel prices, Possible WW3, division amongst the people, all just to name a few. I am only the
messenger who was chosen to write this Letter. If I did not bring you this
information as instructed. I would have blood on my hands Says in the book of Ezekiel
God choses who he wants to bring the message. You all have a choice to listen, or be
condemned to eternal Damnation. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord as he shed his blood to save those who is willing to shed there's for him. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Greetings to all. As I sit here and write this Letter with tears in my eye's. Many
spirits still come forth from Hell with a voice. Saying. Please warn my people not to come to this place. I mostly respond back to them. Saying. Your people are to far gone.
As, well as mine. My White brothers and Sisters are pleading trying to get the message out that Hell is real. They say their torment is extra great because of their color. Blacks are exacting revenge on them. I have a question for all you readers. Do you think anyone you know can hold there breath for 60 minutes. And still live? How about when you blow on your arm. Do you not feel the spirit of life that God blew into your nostrils when he created us? I'm constantly reminded by those in Hell That when you Die. Only then. Will you become believers of Hell. Blacks and other races barely come to me about warning the world. Why? I don't know. But I can say this much. If you all see how Some blacks are acting out now. Just wait until you meet them in Hell. I honestly can't find the words to speak on this right now. But I do want to let the world know who's the real Racist. They are those who refuse to tell you all the truth. I stand with all races. And I have proven that. Time after time. This is the true Gospel. Why? Because many are scared of the truth. I'm Willing to give my life for you all through him who created and chosen me to fulfill what is written. They tell everyone to watch me. But they watch.. And learn nothing. I have no intentions of harming myself, or anyone. I would rather kill myself first Before I thought to harm another person. But these are considered the trails and tribulations that I MUST go through. I know what I write may sound surreal to many. But here's the deal. When the breath leaves your body, And many are thinking they are about to rest. Remember this. The rich man who was sent to Hell, Said. He was in Torment. Look up the word. Torment in the dictionary. I don't know how much longer I have to live in this sinful world. But I Thank the Almighty God for allowing me to reveal the secrets of what's to come, And, Also warn those who still do not believe me. To My white brothers and sisters. If a black man comes to your community. And lets say, He Rapes one of your kids. We'll back in the day. That was a guaranteed death sentence if he were ever caught. Even if he were caught, And only a few residents wanted him to serve a life sentence, instead of death. The majority would rule. Death. Same in Hell. The Blacks rule. Seems to me. Some blacks are dying just to go to Hell. I know I may sound a little crazy, but when you see how many angry people are out here and just rolling with the punch like everything is fine. I'm definitely not fooled by that. As the Joker in Hell my tell a black person. Those whites right their killed your grandparents years ago. By hanging them. I"M JUST GOING TO BE UPFRONT ABOUT THIS. THEM NI@#$%S I"N HELL. ARE GOING OFF. Jesus says. In John 8: 45. I tell you the truth. But you do not believe me.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Peace and Greetings be to all. I guess many of you are probably wondering why I have garbage cans in the Picture. Please let me explain. If you have read the earlier letters I wrote about how they would be fascinated with the garbage everywhere I go. You may now believe what I say to be true. It's really not about Terrorism. Its more about the truth getting out to the people. By now all who's reading this should understand that these people don't give a crap about us. I've been trying tell you all this from day one of me starting this site almost 4 years ago. Everything is starting to come to the head. But back to the dumpsters. These people are so stupid and paranoid That if I go to a business and put trash in a dumpster. They will literally call for the truck to come and empty it. Mind all of you. I watched a truck empty a dumpster one day. So, I then put my garbage in. And guess what? The truck came right back and emptied it again. You can't make this up. So, The other day I was making a delivery to a strip mall and you have to unload the trucks in the back of the store. It looks similar to this picture. As I was backing the truck into the dock. I seen a nice looking SUV pull up by one of the Dumpsters. As I kept looking two little white kids got out the car. The boy had to be around 10 and the girl probably around 7 or 8. The dumpsters have side doors on them. So, The little boy and girl climbed into the dumpster looking through the trash. They then got out, And went into the other one searching around. Again. I cant make this up. Mind you. There are cameras all around that place. But my question is? If you are so concerned about me putting a device, or something bad in the garbage Then why would you subject the kids well being for your evil agenda? Like I said before. The Devil don't care nothing about color. Everybody is fair game. I looked into the little Boys eyes as they were leaving. He waved, And I waved back at him. America is very ,very sick people. wake up. We need Jesus more than ever. That little boy didn't want to do that. I believe He was forced to do it. I've hauled trash before And let me tell you. You don't know what people put in those dumpsters. I have seen animals hiding and one time I found a person sleeping in one. You do all this America to make me look bad. But I forgive you because you are sick and in need of Deep Prayer. Even with the traffic control. I'm not mad because many of you who have that program on your phone will soon have it used against you. The day is coming where first responders will cry and say, They have never seen so much carnage at one time. I keep telling you all. I don't hold the power to put forth destruction. But He who is coming like a bright light in Heaven has that power. Repent every one. because time is short. May God have Mercy on Us.....
Time is not on our side peoples. So, Have your house in order.....
Hello. Jesus says. Nobody knows the day or the hour. NOT EVEN THE ANGELS. But my, FATHER ONLY. OK. This is Jesus speaking. So, How can the people fix there mouths to say that Jesus is the Father??? Again I'm telling everyone who's reading this letter. If you believe that Jesus is the Father. Your soul is already condemned, The Bible says the gospel will be preached before the end. This is that preaching. My warnings fall on deaf ears. But that's ok. Many will be upset on that day when they are left behind. If you notice that Jesus says. Not even the Angels will know when the Father is returning. So that will also include the fallen Angel. And that is. Satan. We are under the new law people. Remember in the Old Testament with an eye for an eye? But Jesus says in the new to give them the other cheek. Also if you notice that when Jesus speaks on the end times. He doesn't mention anything about the Mark or A temple being built. He mainly speaks on Wars, Men in the bed with Men. And Women who are grinding together. Wake up people. He is letting us know that The Father can come back whenever he's ready. All of what Jesus has said. has/is come to pass. It's just a waiting game now. Many of you should know that something is not right when the people are voting for a President who was convicted of Felonies, Even if overturned Why are the people stuck on him. HE IS NOT THE SAVIOR. All are to give one mind to the Beast. They are all working together as I said before. I repeat. Many will be deceived by the Beast, and Anti Christs. Yes, There is more than one. I can remember I asked God. Why you don't want the world to see your face? And he replied. They would judge me also. I wrote about this already and He speaks the truth. As they Judge me and Lie on me daily plus have my picture circulating around the world as this person to be on the lookout for. They would try to turn the people against him as well. Man is setting in motion the End. He's doing it as I write this letter. All you hear them speaking on is. Nuclear War. Like I said before. God put America in power to bring forth the End. Don't believe me? Who was the first to drop a Hydrogen bomb? Who's Currency was the strongest in the world? Who was able to spread disorganization around the world and many Countries fell for it? Do I need to go on? I am so grateful God allowed me to see this for myself. Giving me a chance to show him I believe by writing these letters and possibly saving some souls,,,