Greetings to all. Giving God Almighty the praise and glory. From which my health and strength cometh. Matthew 6:24 Says No man can serve
2 masters, For either he will hate the one, And love the other; Or else he will hold
To the one, And despise the other. So either you’re going to serve, God or Satan.
From, Houses to cars and jewelry. All is vanity. The clock is ticking. The hour
Glass sand is running out folks. Again my job is to warn the world and give notice
Of his coming. Revelation 22:12 Says. And, behold. I come quickly. Meaning. Not
Even the worlds best radars will detect his coming. He will come faster than light. A Thousand times faster than 100G. With enough power in one finger to power all Nations. As God sits on the throne and given power to his Son to pass judgement on the world. Some have asked me. Why do I even worry about telling the masses what’s coming. Here’s why. Ezekiel 3:18 Says: When I say to the wicked, You shall
Surely die; And you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his
Blood I will require at your hand. This is the price some will pay for being chosen. John 15:16 Says, Ye have not chosen me. But I chose you. I testify When you are chosen. It’s like you have a third eye. I mean your eye’s are opened beyond comprehension. The world knew I was coming. And it hates me. Jesus even tells
Us that the world will hate on you. I can plainly see they/them try to count my sins. But I tell you all today. By Being chosen you do have a few perks. Meaning. As long as I forgive them for there sins against me. My sins are forgiven. So all their judgements will be to no avail. So, please pass this Letter around on social media Like you pass a feed of a rapper in a new video. May God bless us all.
Brother J Hollis Letter #2
Greetings to all. Giving praise to the Father who art in heaven who sent his only begotten Son. In order to save us from our sins.
Coming from the book of Enoch. 22; 5-7 I saw the children of men who were dead. And their voice went forth to heaven and made suit. Then I asked Raphael the angel. Who is it whose voice goeth forth and making suit? And he answered me saying; This is the spirit which went forth from Abel, whom his brother Cain slew, and he makes his suit against him till his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men…
John 8;32 says. And ye shall know the truth, And the truth shall make you free.
Again. In the Beginning. In Genesis. 3;15 And God told the serpent. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. But this is the real way it is supposed to read (After the fact Is). Cain will bruise Abel’s head and kill him. And I God will bruise Cain’s heel. Making him a vagabond and wonderer in the earth. Cain was very jealous and envious of his brother because he did not get same respect from God that his brother did. Cain was proud in his ways, just like his father. (Satan).
I was wondering Why, For the longest. Something kept telling me to Re-read Genesis and study Enoch. Though thy butchered the book and changed certain things. I still can navigate to the truth. The Same as in the Bible. “Could it have been Able speaking to me”? If So, Is Able trying to tell me that Cain was a White Man. And his father is Satan. Let me say this before I go any further. (I am not a racist and I love everybody no matter the color). But I must bring the truth as it is revealed to me. Luke 9;24 Says. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: But whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. It is Sad that many of these so-called men of the cloth are dodging this topic like a virus. And they know the truth as I do. Matthew 7;22-23 Says. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name cast out devils?
And I will profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from, ye workers of iniquity. Look for part 2 of this Letter coming. So Stay tuned. Stay Blessed…..
Brother J Hollis Letter #3 .
In Revelation 13, 15-17 Says unless you accept the mark or the number of the beast you will not be able to buy or sell. Sad to say that many are being conditioned in order to accept the mark. So, Once the dollar is took out of circulation. Many will be in debt and In need of financial, Or government assistance. And the only way you will receive assistance. (And Only if), You accept the mark. Honestly. I can't tell you all what that mark will be because if we all knew what it was. We would change all that is to come. I do see all major countries try to become cashless very soon. You will have an account and only you will have that specific numeral combination. You must have this mark in order to buy or sell. And if you refuse the mark. You will be killed. Because you will be considered a threat to society. In which is a Lie. Death and Hell are in full swing as I speak. All that I prophesied has come to pass so far. Many were calling me crazy, fake, the devil you name it. I still forgive all them because through them I'm forgiven. John 15; 16 Says. Ye have not chosen me. But I choose you. And when your eye's are truly fully opened you can actually see the wickedness of the world. Many will know that you are chosen and literally hate on you. But at the same time. Smiling and laughing in your face. And when I first witnessed the hate. I was in shock. Jesus says it best. They hated me, Before they hated you. .
Giving honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. The Bible says. And God hated Esau Even before he and his brother were ever born. We may never know the real reason why God hated Esau. But what I do know is. Esau was the knock-off of Cain. In Genesis 25;22 It says, the twins struggled together within Rebekah’s womb. Esau came out of the womb first and was Red and Hairy. (I do) believe Esau was red because of the struggle he had in the womb with his brother. Let me so explain. If a pale white man is slapped hard anywhere on his body. That part will become red. Even in anger I have seen my white brothers turn red. Plus given Esau was hairy. I do believe it was to protect his skin from the sun and elements since he was a hunter.
Many of you may say. I thought God was love. And he Love’s Everybody. Romans 9;14-15 Says: What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, And I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So, to add this all up. God is basically saying. He Loves and hates who he wants. He's the Alpha and Omega. Who can come against him? He stands with great power and authority. He sits on high. Though I never meet him. I can tell you all this. Once you feel his power and presence. You will know He is the real deal. Praise his holy name. Now remember when I told you all from a previous letter that God told the serpent in Genesis that He will bruise Cain’s heel. Now, I will test your knowledge. Why does the bible say in Genesis 25;26 That Jacob grabbed Esau’s heel on his way out of the womb? I want you all to let that marinate in your mind. To all my brothers and sisters, we are all in the struggle. To my white brothers and sisters. God loves you. As long as you don’t follow the serpents will. God tells Cain in genesis. If you do good, will you not be Accepted? This world wants you to prep for a coming disaster. But we really need to be prepping for the coming of our Lord and savior. That underground bunker will not save you. That hole in a mountain with a solid steel door will not save you. Moving to outer space will not save you. Your own, will keep you in the dark from the truth. Satan has no love for anybody. His fate is sealed. Says, the Lord of Hosts. I am the messenger who is sent to open the eyes of the blind. I will die for you to know the truth. We all have a mission to accomplish. Some good, Some bad. Even Judas had a mission to complete as it was written. Again, God chooses who will bring the message. Weather it be a murderer, thief, drug dealer, prostitute Or, whoever he wants. (Remember this is his show). I just know that Satan hates it when I Give God all the Glory. I speak. Repent and Believe family. God loves us.
. Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return
When I started this website almost 2 years ago. Many would say. I’m fake, or even Call me a devil. That didn’t deter me. I stood my ground until this very day. I Never asked anyone for money or even a donation. The funds came from the Lord Who empowers me to write and fulfill what is written. The gospel will be preached to all the world before the end. Matthew 24:14 Again, for the record. I am only the messenger who’s Chosen by the Lord. I don’t claim to be a Saint by any means. Though I am judged because I am flesh, and not perfect in the flesh. For this reason, they say. He’s not real or spreading fake propaganda. This could be one reason that everywhere I go they pick up all the litter off the ground and empty all the garbage cans as they see fit. (LET THAT MERINATE) I tell you all today who is reading this. Woe to the world. I was happy to see the day Trump became President. If you truly understand the bible, it speaks of him bringing in the end Times. Listen to some of his speeches. He clearly speaks on things which is coming to pass. In the beginning of my prophecy. I told you all that Oil AKA Black Gold would play a key role in the end times. I also spoke on the Racism That would never end, Same sex marriages. And then the evil coming for your kids. Meaning, demons will possess and influence some of your kids and you will lose all control of Them. I also spoke about white Bob who is trying to warn his brothers not to come to hell because blacks are constantly tormenting them there. In Deuteronomy 32:35 God says (vengeance is mine). And In Luke. It says, they were eating, marrying, and drinking before that terrible day. In a vision I seen something brewing on the waters. And Family please listen to me. Whatever that was. It will be catastrophic. PRAY, REPENT, FORGIVE, BELIEVE
As I said many times before. If the blind gentleman with the Cane had only complied with the officer's simple instructions of showing what he had in his back pocket without all the lip, I can almost guarantee you all she would have let him continue on his merry way. So, here's my point. It's only going to get worse for the good officers who are truly trying to make a difference in America. Mark my words....
Many times, an officer may pull over a personal vehicle and not really knowing the affiliation of that driver. Meaning they don't know how connected that particular person is in society. You can hear the officer in the video say, she's only trying to do her job. Here's my point. They want officers to protect their fancy Neiborhood's and family. But when they get pulled over by an officer, they feel disrespected and like there crap don't stink. And if you don't believe what I'm saying. Go back and watch the video. Monkey see. Monkey do. When other citizens see how these elites get off with a slap on the wrist. They are going to try the same thing.
All I can say about this Sherriff is. He will lock up anybody who violates the law. He doesn't care about skin color, or your profession. When I see a man who does his job and don't care about any backlash. This is who we need running the country. Speak softly. But carry a big stick.
May Almighty God have mercy upon us all. PART 1
Me. By still being compelled to write this and humbled by the almighty God I so come in peace. I'm finally writing this letter after many years of waiting for other things to be fulfilled. I was told years ago in a vision that law enforcement will play a key role in the end times. Till this day I still haven't figured out what that statement means. Even Though I have a few theories in mind. I'd rather not speculate at this time. I remember back in high school a teacher asked a fellow student what he wanted to be when he graduated. And the student replied. A police officer. In return the teacher told the student that his IQ was not low enough to be hired on. At that time, I didn't understand what the teacher was trying to sell him. Now after watching videos on social media and watching the news. For all that's going on in this world. I take my hat off to all in uniform who is truly trying to make a difference. I tell you all today who wears the uniform. From what I can see. Some of you, for just trying to do your job will be either jailed, unemployed, or even killed. Let me give you all an example of what I'm saying. Some of you may have seen this on social media already. There was a guy standing on a sidewalk filming and an officer walked up to him and said he could not film, and asked for the guy's ID. So, the guy took off running with the officer in pursuit. Next the officer fired his taser, but he missed. After the chase ended the sergeant arrived on the scene and told his officer that the guy had the legal right to film. Now here is my point. First. That officer graduated from a police academy, And not a law school. Normally the cop would arrest the individual and let the courts deal with the legal aspects of the matter. So, all in uniform should see that the deck is being stacked against you. Secondly. This is the nail in the coffin. Suppose the guy who was running, got hit by the taser and went into cardiac arrest, and died. But remember the sergeant just said the guy had legal right to film. So, what do you all think would have happened to that poor officer who deployed the taser? Part 2 coming soon. stay tuned. It's going shake many of you, To your core.
Peace and love to all. May God bless the readers of this message. In Romans 9/13 It says. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, But Esau have I hated. I always wondered to myself, why would God make such a harsh statement about One of his children. Then the answer was revealed to me, one day after a long wait. It showed me that this country will Lie and deceive the world in order to Fulfill what is written. From Cain in the beginning, then leading up to Esau. The Brothers in time have demonstrated their arrogant and prideful ways before God. Again. Let me just say for the record that I’m not a racist or a hater of my country. Though the truth must be told. I come as Paul Revere. By not saying the red coats are Coming. But that our Lord and savior is coming. Sad to say that many of my white brothers and sisters have been tricked and deceived over the years by their own. If there was video back in day when many blacks were falsely accused of rape, murdering a white, or even assaulting an officer. I could almost guarantee that an all-white jury would have found that person innocent with the help of video footage back then. This is what I mean by many whites were tricked with false evidence and then found a black person guilty of a crime. And in some cases, murder. Then that innocent person was put to death. Now you have blood on your hands. Therefore, we must repent of our sins. It Says, they will Think they are doing the work of God. And as White Bob said. These people are Liars who are running this country. This man resides in Hell and comes back with a message for his white brothers. Again, he says. YOU DON’T WANT TO COME TO HELL. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. The time is short family. I still myself marvel at the visions that I have to this day. And if the Lord did not love us. I would not be Constantly reminded almost every day to write these messages. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL AND HAVE MERCY ON US……….
This is a follow up to this letter for all of you nay-sayers. Remember the Young man in Georgia named Ahmaud Arbery? He was murdered because he was basically jogging and being profiled in the wrong Neiborhood. Three white men were found guilty of their roles in his death. The jury picked in the trial was predominantly all white. Many blacks thought the trial would be biased. So here is my point... Even though the prosecutor tried to make it as if Mr. Ahmaud was the aggressor. But the video that was presented in the trail Painted a different picture. Now if there would have been no video. All three men probably would have been acquitted. May God bless all those on the jury who did the right thing. So again, I say. They lied to many whites back in the day because video cameras were not readily available at that time. Usually, the court would pick an all-white jury in high profile black cases because it would be an easy conviction of that black person with little to, no evidence. Many of the deceived cry to me from hell saying. Please tell my brothers this place is real. But I would like to reply back to them and say. If your brothers truly believed what I speak is the truth. They would be shaking in their boots uncontrollably. GOD SAYS VENGENCE IS MINE. SO, PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME...