The only difference between this gentleman who served this country, and white Bob is. White Bob never got the opportunity to see the truth while living. And who all knows the sacrifices this Vet and the Guys who was with him made for us. As I said before. God put America in power to fulfill what is written. But in the end she will pay a heavy price for all her wicked ways. She has exposed her nakedness for all the world to see. So, Stay prayed up..
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Hello. Peace and Greetings to all. I can remember over 20 years ago. When I was incarcerated and sitting on the yard. An Old Man came up. And started Conversating with me. I Never got his name. And If you paid me 10 million dollars. I couldn't pick him out of a line up. He was a Black Man medium height with salt, pepper grey hair. Its just his face I cant remember. Normally when I have an in-depth conversation with someone. Rarely, do I forget there face. And for those who don't know what I was Incarcerated for. Lets just say. I was a Pharmacist dealing without a License when I was young. This Old Man told me many things that's to come. First. He told me what I needed to do in order to be released early. Secondly. He spoke on a Fence being put around America. I believed he was saying. Nobody will be able to get In, Or Out. Thirdly. He spoke on Control movement. Saying it will come to the streets. At first, I thought this Old Man was Crazy. Me thinking to myself, That would be almost Impossible to control the free Citizens. Well, The Jokes on me. Not only did his Revelation come to pass. I'm a key player in it. I wrote about traffic control, I wrote about how they will alert people to my presence even if I'm parked next to there car. They will know its me. You may say its just me. But many are falling prey to the system. I still Thank God for choosing me for this mission. Yes. Its a hard pill to swallow. But I know my reward is not here. As they Lie on me daily just to fulfill what is written. I forgive all who hold council against me. Just as Jesus said on the Cross. My God, My God. Why have thou forsaken me. All I can say to that is. You do feel some type of way running this race with all types of obstacles being placed in your way. Only the strong will survive. Yes. His words are true. I would advise anyone. I mean, Anyone, Who doesn't know him, To Beg if you have to, That you may be accepted. You know how you may be on the Interstate and stuck in traffic and your phone or a sign, Says, Accident ahead. So when you finally get up to the point of the Accident. You don't see any police, fire trucks, Ambulances, or damaged vehicles. Why is this? In most cases. Its called. Traffic Control As Jesus stressed people. Have your house in order. For we know not the Day, Or the hour.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Hello. May God bless the readers of this Word. I can remember back in middle school and in the 6th grade. There was this female who wanted to be the school Bully. So one day in the cafeteria me and my classmates were all talking, And the Bully approached me. I cant remember exactly how the fight started But I was taught that Boys don't fight girls. She preceded to choke me. Yes had her hands around my throat trying to choke me out. I never hit her, Just tried to remove her hands. Well once it ended. All you could hear is. Jay got beat up by a girl. That lasted for about a week. 14 years later I ran across one of my old classmates. I asked him. Do he remember me from the 6th Grade. He said. Yes. I remember you. YOU WERE THE ONE WHO GOT BEAT UP BY A GIRL. Mind you all, This is 14 years later. So what's your point Jeff? I watched a wrestling match on social media between a little white boy and black girl. It was a good match. But the little black girl Won. I watched the little boy cry because he lost the match. So, Here it is. Not only did he lose to a girl. She was also Black. This will follow him for a long time. Its so sad Parents are allowing there children to be humiliated in front of the world with no understanding of the consequences. Why? Do we have Women competing against Men. And Vise Versa. Here's another one. I seen on Social Media. There was a guy in the Military. Ring fighting, Destroying all male competitors. So, What Do They Do? They send in a Woman to defeat him. So technically you telling me. The Female was more tougher than all those men? I just believe all genders need to stay in their lane. This is Crazy. Next they will have little boys wrestling transgender boys. This is sick in my opinion. Nothing against the transgenders. I love everyone. We need to do better America. Wake up.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Hello. Peace and Greetings to all. May God bless the Believers of his Words.
What does Jesus mean in Matthew 24;7 When he says. For Nation will rise against Nation. And Kingdom against Kingdom. I want all who's reading this Letter to understand that we are all under the new law of Jesus Christ. Who the Father given him the power to be the judge of us. When we see Nations against itself. For Example. Russia against Ukraine, China against Taiwan. N. Korea against S. Korea. Just to name a few. So out of all those Countries I just named. Which ones are being controlled by a Super power from Abroad? .Technically these people are Neighbors. But yet they are Manipulated to hate and kill each other. Let me iterate. Jesus has spoken. He told us what will come to pass before the End. If you read Matthew. Pretty much all he said. Has/Is Come to pass. Jesus says, This World will pass away, But my words won't. In John it says, In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God. Basically. The Word was spoken and Manifested into Flesh, And Scripture. The Flesh was Jesus who came to bare witness of the Father. And Scripture is the Word that was written. For Example; When the Jews sent Priests and Levites to ask John who was he? They asked. Was he Elias, Or that Prophet? And john said no. So the Priests had to have some type of Scripture to even asked John was he Elias. Or that Prophet. Even Satan knows the scripture. It reminds me of a Person who went to Prison for Multiple Murders. The Neighbors said he was a very nice guy. He was polite, always well spoken. A true Gentleman. Up until the neighbors found out that he was full of iniquity.. Now in prison with a natural Life sentence. As they would say. He has nothing to loose. Same as Satan. He probably started out good. But now has a date with the lake of fire. He is trying to Recruit as many souls, as he can to join him on that day. Again I say. I'm not perfect by no means. I fall short just like many of you. God chooses who he wants to bring his message. I'm Honored to be chosen. This Government knows. The real ones, From the fake ones. They actually sometimes know more about your journey, than you. The word will be Preached before the end. So please have your house in order.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
So who was / is this Evil spirit named, The Joker who resides in Hell. Greetings to all the believers and unbelievers. I am literally sweating writing this letter. Woe to the world. I wrote the Letter It's getting time to flee. Two days before Hamas attacked Israel. Its no joke family. The time is shorter than ever. So who is the Joker? First off, I was very reluctant to write about this Demon. He is known as a Hype man in Hell. He has many followers of the black race to exact revenge on my white brothers. Him being Racist is an understatement. I don't know what happened to him in his past life. But he has it in for my white brothers. Again, He has this eerie laugh and doesn't answer to many questions. He comes and goes at will. I still remember him telling me to tell my white brothers that the mark doesn't work in here. But Before I continue. Let me say that Its very hard for me to put my life on the line writing these letters to warn the world, Only to be called a Racist, Homophobic, A bad person, Even a threat. But I tell you all today. I stand with anyone who is willing to except our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I refuse to bow to the evils of this world. The Joker doesn't seem to be as angry as Grapes who I wrote about. He seems to be calm in the way he speaks. But I'm definitely not fooled by that. It really means he's a menace in Hell. I've seen people who spoke like him on the streets. And they were very dangerous. I wish many of you who's reading this could sometimes see what I see. If I was on drugs I would be a total wreck. Remember I wrote. I was glad to see Trump come? Question? Why is he still in the spot light? You readers don't understand the bible. I tell you all again. You must repent before it is
to late. Trump also plays a key roll in the end times. They judge me for not being perfect. But I confess. I'm not perfect in the flesh. Which of you is? Please cast the
first stone. I'm gonna say it again. When you are chosen. Pretty much your sins are forgiven. From Moses, to Peter, Solomon, Paul, David, Just to name a few who where
chosen and not perfect. The flesh was corrupted from your mothers womb. Being full of sin. So please don't judge me. I'm no better than any of you whos' reading this letter. My job description is to warn the world of his coming. People listen to me. His will, Will be
done. And there is nothing we can do to stop it. I bear witness to truth which is to come. May God Almighty have mercy on our soul.......
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
So who was this spirit in hell named Grapes? This spirit came to me awhile back. And now I'm just getting up the nerve to write about it. Woe to the world because of our sins.
I was sleeping and a spirit came to me in a dream and said. My name is Grapes. That's who I was called when I was living. He went on to say that they Killed him, his wife, and kids for no reason. He then said he could still hear his kids screaming for help. But he couldn't help them. Then I said you must have done something in order for them to come after you. He then got very, very, angry and said. Hate was the cause. I did nothing but work and provide for my family. Then I could see this huge figure step forward and I got scared a little bit. He said tell them that I declare all of them who comes here will pay day and night for killing my family. There are many of us here who they killed. And stole from, and then went on to live normal lives. As you crushed my family. I will crush all of yours, he says. This particular spirit was very big. I do remember white Bob saying that there are some big a Ni#@$ in Hell. I believe that Grapes is one of them. His anger superseded all them who came to me so far. I awoke from my sleep with a bad headache and a stomach ache. Never have I felt anger like that in my life from a dream. Many unbelievers still don't believe what I say to be true. Again. White Bob said that his people will not believe me until that day when there eyes open up to eternal Damnation. Then they want to cry for help. But its to late. Remember the rich man who went to hell. He wanted Abraham to warn his family about Hell, And not to come there. But Abraham said. They have Moses and the Prophets to bring the message. But the rich man wanted Lazarus to speak to his family from the DEAD. Then Abraham said. If they would not listen to Moses and people like myself. Then why would they listen to him who rose from the dead? Luke 16 19-31 And Many of these so called chosen blacks who preach hate on street corners and churches will have there part in Hell, Also. Jesus was love and through him only the true believers will be saved. This world is becoming an unclean, hateful, and angry bird as the bible says. But please note that what's coming soon will be very catastrophic and off the charts. So, please have your house in order on that dreadful day. May God almighty have mercy on us all.
Giving Honor to our Lord and Savior. Who is soon to return.
Greetings to all the readers of the insights that I have to enlighten all the unbelievers. And may God Almighty have mercy upon us all. As I was sleeping a voice came to me. And I asked. Who are you? She said her name was Connie. Then I asked her where is she? And she said Hell. Then I asked, How did she Die. She replied that Cancer took her out. Then she said. I thought when you die you sleep, and feel no more pain. She then said tell all them whos living. That its all a big Lie. Don't believe the crap they are feeding you. I then asked what was her race. She replied white. Cant you tell? I said no because I cant see you. I only hear you. I asked. Why are you so hostile? She said if you were tricked by the people who you thought actually cared about you. You would be the same way. Then I asked was she a racist. She said no. I never had a racist bone in my body. I then asked. What do you believe would warrant you going to Hell. She said she doesn't know because she believed in God and went to church before her health started to deteriorate and she loved everyone. I then asked her what did she want to say to the world. She said tell them that the world is a big Lie. My people are literally being ganged up on by all other races in here. Blacks have full control and all influence in here. You get no rest at all. I try to cry, but I cant Because there are no tears. I feel very dirty and would love a nice shower but with the cuts all over my body. It will probably feel like somebody poured Alcohol all over me. But you know what? They are not going to listen. Just as I did. Now look at where I'm at. Many who come here say its like a bad dream. Only you actually feel the pain. She says, To my white family. Remember that you heard it from me. There are no guns, knives, stones, I mean nothing to defend yourself with in here. You have everything to barter with where you are. But in here, there's nothing to barter with. This is why the blacks have all control in here. We are literally at there mercy. She then asked me could I tell Sonny and Annie that she loves them. And to Accept The most high as your lord and savior. I then told her. But I don't know who they are. She then said also. tell Scotty that she apologize for falsely accusing him. She said I'm so sorry. I then said. Accused him of what? Then the voice left. I tell you all today. The only thing that's keeping me sane is. I was warned of this day coming. Meaning that the clock is running out for many souls whos names are not written in the book. It says the the Gospel will be preached to all the world before the END...
Giving honor to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who Shed his blood on the cross
For Our sins. One day in a vision a voice spoke to me. And I asked. Who are you? And what do you want. He said his name is Bob a white male who resides in Hell. Then
He went on to say before he was killed in an automobile accident that he had two
Beautiful daughters and a beautiful wife. Then I asked Bob. Why, did you come to
Me? But to my surprise. Some people in hell can recognize who’s chosen, and can also communicate with them. Then Bob said, He just wanted to warn all his white
Brothers that Hell is real and that many of them who are in power. Is Liars. They
Want you all to trust them and love the world. Bob went on to say that In Hell white people and all women are getting the crap beat out of them. Day in and out. I asked why? Bob said Niggs and some other races attack all whites calling us
The devil. Then the women are getting destroyed by many of the men because they feel like if Eve had not eaten of the fruit like God instructed. None of this would be happening. (If that makes any sense.) Bob then told me that he was a
Racist And did some things in his life that he’s not proud of. He also says he misses his Kids so much. Now he’s incarcerated in that God forsaken place called
Hell. Bob also says that that there are some big A Nigg Bastards in Hell along with some other Things that you would only see in a horror movie. But before I forget. Bob says. White brothers stop committing suicide. Because you are just going from sugar to Sh%^. Just imagine that you are eating peanut butter all day with nothing to drink. You are so thirsty. Your mouth is like a dry desert. I will continue the conversation with Bob in part 2 coming. Repent all my brothers and sisters. The bible says the Gospel will be preached before that great day. The world has its face against me. Because I bring you all the truth. A mortician deals with the flesh. I deal with the spirit. If Jesus didn’t love you my white brothers. He would not have sent Bob to me to warn you. Jesus is love. And we praise him for that. Please wake up people and pass this message on.
Let them who has ears, Hear this message. Giving honor to the Most high, Who is empowering me to bring the world this message. Even though a majority of things I have prophesized on this site has come to pass Many are still unbelievers. And as thy monitor my site and record my words. For they knew the day I was coming. Somewhere it is written of me. Bob told me many things that still rings in my head to this day. Another thing he said was to tell his white brothers that the time is now. So, I asked him what does he mean, that the time is now? He replied that they will know. It took me awhile to write this because I don't know if this is a good thing. Or Bad. My job is only to fulfill what is written. So please don't harm me the messenger. There was a black kid I spoke with that also resides in hell I asked him his name and he gave me his first, And last. Then I asked him. How did he die? And he replied that he was shot in the head and was killed over a girl. Then I asked him is it true that white people are being attacked the most in hell. And he said yes. Then I asked why? He said because they mistreated and killed some of the people that they are constantly being attacked by. He go on to say. Many was never prosecuted for there crimes. Now they have to walk back across that bridge. Then I asked about the women. He said that the women are just defenseless against some of these monsters in here. Then he asked me could I help him. I told him. I would if I could. But sorry I Cant. It's weird that out of all the people I spoke with. Bob was the only one who never asked for help of getting out of hell. It makes me wonder what did he really do. Because he makes it seems the punishment fits. His warnings is very strong for his race. I remember he said something pertaining to the mark. He said tell them not to take it. He said the the mark will be revealed when the people of the world becomes distressed and disorganized. We are definitely starting to see that now family. Wake up people. And accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I'm not being compensated for this. I'm using my own money to bring you the message. Sure they may try to block my site. But this message will penetrate steel. I come in truth. May God bless us all, Because we all fall short. And need his mercy.. PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL............AND PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON.......
Giving honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. May peace and Love abound. You may be asking. What is the Drive? The drive goes deeper than any bottomless pit. It Has shaken the heavens, have caused many Angels to be sent and chained to hell, has caused the earth to be Flooded with water, has caused Sodom and Gomorrah to be destroyed. Has caused many men of the cloth to commit sin in the eyes of God. It is causing some of you who is reading this, to cheat on your significant other (Uncontrollably). I can go on and on. So, why is this so important. Let me break it down. The Drive started in the beginning with the punishment of the Serpent, Adam, and Eve. God told the Serpent. I will put Enmity between you and the woman. Sure we can argue that Enmity means hate between two. But why was enmity just for Eve, and not Adam? When God put Enmity between the Serpent and Eve this is the drive that would change the world. If it were not for the drive, we would not be here. I cannot say the Serpent actually slept with Eve. But I can say, she and the Serpent did something together. The drive will remain with us until you are born again at the judgement. Remember having children was part of Gods punishment. You will Not be able to reproduce anymore once you are born again. The drive will be removed from you. Bottom line no more sex. Some of you who is reading this is feeling the drive move inside of you because it knows it has such a short time. Even though Adam and Eve knew they were naked and hid themselves from God. The drive was not yet implemented. I want all who is reading this to go read genesis and let this truth blow your mind. If you do not know the beginning. You will not believe the end. And that is Revelation. Jesus was pure and was not taken or moved by the drive. I myself sometimes may fall short because of the drive with strange women. But for this main reason Jesus died for us. We all need to repent and give God the glory. Sin is all around us. In us. And standing right beside us. God asked Satan in Job 1;7 Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it. This means Satan is all around us people. We need Jesus in our lives more than ever. Satan is on the loose family. He and death rolls together. I am him who is crying in the streets. To warn all that the King is coming Soon. Sex is going to send many to the lake of fire. Hard to believe, but true. That drive is a very dangerous and addictive sin. More potent than a 1000 king cobra bites. Will cause one to violate a child, will cause one to watch porn, will cause one to pleasure themselves with toys, will cause one to sell their soul, will cause one to go against God, will cause one to sleep with the same sex. Like I said before. The list goes on and on. I come in peace. Doing as I am instructed. The Gospel will be preached before the end. And the truth will set us all free. May God bless us all.